天覧山 梅酒 Tenranzan Umeshu-Sake based liqueur 720ml

型號: PD013
存貨狀態: 有現貨
38 積分回贈


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關鍵字 天覧山 日本 梅酒

All employees will go to harvest the specialty "ume" in Ogose Town, Carefully remove the calyx and soak it in sake. When soaked in sake, the finished alcohol content is around 10%, so it is very easy to drink. Also, rock candy is about half as much as pickling in white liquor, so it's kind to the body. Its taste is fragrant, mellow and the acidity of plums is pleasant. It is a genuine plum wine that does not contain acidulants or spices. Cool, rock and soda are recommended 



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